Words simply just can't describe my love for body lotions. =P
In a hot climate like Singapore, going in and out of air condition environment
can really makes one skin get dry and dehydrated easily.
but then whenever i touch my hands or legs, i felt that my skin was not as smooth as before.
Dullness and pigmentation was also settling in... @_@ (And i suppose as one age grew older, the
skin starts to lack firmness and elascity. Haiz..不认老都不行...sob sob..) Therefore, one really
cannot be lazy when it comes to taking care of your skin.
Anyway, this was a couple years ago. It was also during that time that i started my "fetish"
collection of body lotions. XD (The above photo is just a small part of my collection and which i'm
currently using. )
Photo Source: Internet Google Search
Talking about body lotions, actually i have been a Nivea user for many years. From their
"traditional" creme to whitening body lotions to now their latest whitening body serum with UV

With SPF 25 PA++ and 95% high concentrate of Vitamin C.

A light weight serum like texture.

Absorb easily into the skin without stickiness. A nice smell of Vitamin C. (Ehh..how does vitamin
C smells like ah?? haha ehh..actually I also don't know.. =P I suppose its more like a light orange
smell. But I love it anyway =P) I use this nowadays before whenever I'm going out due to the SPF
Woah woah woah......Ok...stop...( Rewind back ) read the headline again..Yes.... it says
[ Skincare Sharing & Product Review ] Vaseline Healthy White Perfect 10 Lightening & Anti-
aging Lotion X My Fetish Love For Lotions. So meaning Nivea is not the main character of today!
Strike out all of the above of what I've said XD (Just kidding..)
Yes, I have found another new love ( not guys OK..?) I wasn't intentionally looking for body lotion actually. (Was actually looking for nail polish remover) XD so after getting what i wanted, its always in my nature to walk walk and browse around the pharmacy and that's when i saw it. From the moment I took it off the shelf, read the benefits and the price and taking a sniff of the smell, it goes straight into my basket and on its way to the cashier. =P

Here's the reason why I bought it to try without second thoughts.
With AHA (Crucial for smoother and younger looking skin) vitamin B3 (Helps keep skin
hydrated and slow down ageing) and pro-retinol. This is actually a 10-in-1 benefit product (Yay!!)
one bottle solve all problems! =P and here are the 10 benefits:
1) Visible skin lightening
2) Even tone restoration
3) UVA & UVB protection (Extremely important!!!)
4) Dark mark reduction
5) Radiance boost
6) Skin feels tight and firm
7) Visibly reduces fine lines (Crucial for me leh.. =P)
8) Skin renewal
9) Intense moisturization
10) Deep nourishment
The best part is that it only costs me $7.95 for a 200ml! Less than 10 bucks and you can have all the
nourishment and benefits that your skin needs. This is actually only my second day using it as I only
bought it yesterday.
This is how it looks like when squeeze out.

A very lightweight texture that is very easy to massage onto the skin.

Fast absorbing! It amazes me and there were no sticky feeling afterwards. My skin feels smooth and
hydrated. It has a very light, soothing floral scent that leaves you feeling very happy and relax.
(Not sure if its my own imagination but I applied it before I went to bed last night and suddenly I
felt very relax lying on my bed, my eyelids grew heavier and soon I was asleep. Not sure what time
and how though. Coz normally I would toss and turn a few rounds in bed before falling asleep.)
I woke up next morning and touch my skin. It seems to be much more well hydrated and smoother.
(Thinking too much.. =P) Thus, I did another "experiment" I brought it into the shower with me and
applied it right after my shower. ( Remember to pat dry body first, making sure there's no water
droplets.) Applying lotion or skincare products right after shower is the best as this is when the pores
on our body are open up and any lotion or skincare products that we applied are absorb even more
easily and faster.
My skin instantly feels smoother and it really does absorb much more easily and faster on damp
skin. And the scent.....just smells so good! =D
Am totally loving this new found love. XD This will definitely be going into my body lotion
collection and for sure I will keep on using it.
May everyone have a great weekend!
Your Beauty Editor
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