Hi everyone!!! Long time no see!! =D
Sorry for the loooooonnnnnggg waiting gap... >/////< coz previously was busy with work and stuff.. and then it was Chinese New Year... =__= the non-stop eating routine during that period.. now thinking back... was rather scary... @__@ it was only recently got a bit more time to start blogging again.. =P but don't worry people.. recently I've got tons of new stuffs and products to share with you guys so stay tune ya? =D
Today I'm going to share with you all one of my most prized possession after being in the beauty line for so long.. (not very long also...about 4 years to be exact.. =P) and of course the importance of cleansing... (sounds bored?) well.. not exactly for me after I got this beauty tool. ^^
Philips VisaPure Facial Cleansing Brush.
Awarded IF Product Design Award 2013, it is said to be able to cleanse 10x better than using hands! and reveal radiant skin.
I first got to know this product when it was recommended on Popular Taiwan variety show Nu Ren Wo Zui Da by Teacher Kevin. It was that time after seeing the demo and effectiveness I wanted it so badly.... but back then it was only available in Taiwan.. =( but now after a long waiting time its finally available in Singapore. ^^
Ta-da! The real actual size. ^^ The long sleek elegant design makes it easy for holding when using it. (No wonder it was awarded.. O.O) I hate to say this.. but doesn't it reminds you of a Olympic torchlight..? XD and I'm soooo glad and happy that they come in pink!! ( My favourite colour for those of you who don't know.. =P) and yes.... only in pink..heehee.. ^^

The vibrating and rotating brush head with its vertical pulsating movement helps to deeply cleanses our pores, breaking up surface impurities like dirt, dead skin cells and makeup residues and sweeping away all the impurities. which using hands might not be 100% effective. All these dirt and impurities we cannot see them with our naked eyes and living in a urban country like Singapore, with all the air pollution, the wind and dust they will remain on our face clogging up our pores and in the long run causes all sort of skin problems. And if your pores are clogged... no amount of serum or moisturizer will be absorbed into our skin. So now you all do see the importance of cleansing.. right? O.O ( Believe me when I said I have met gals who only cleanse their face with water... @__@) which is a big no no!! this way is definitely not enough ok??

It comes with a plastic cap for covering up the brush when not in use to prevent bacteria or dust settling onto the brush. Very thoughtful idea. ^^ The brush head are changeable and are available in several function. This one is suitable for normal skin and there is one specifically designed for sensitive skin which is included in together and...which I forgot to take picture... sorry!!! >//////<
There is 2 different speed setting. When press one time on this button is for a mild and gentle cleansing. When press a second time is for a more comfortable but intensive cleansing. Its not very complicated to use unlike some cleansing brush that has several buttons which can be rather confusing sometimes. Very simple function. ^^
Some of you may be wondering.. "will I get an electric shock when cleaning halfway because its an electrical device and have to touch water." Don't worry.. This cleansing brush is waterproof and can even be easily use in the shower or when u are soaking in the bathtub. ^^ (How I wish I have a bathtub at home to soak and relax every night... *Daydreaming... *)
After wetting the brush head, squeeze a small amount of your cleanser onto it. You will only need about half the size of your regular amount of cleanser when using hands. (Which also means our cleanser can be use for a even more longer period thus in a way helping us save some $$$. )XD
Infused with a 1 minute timer, our face basically can be divided into three zones: Forehead and left and right cheeks. Start by cleansing one area of the three zone. For me I always like to start with my right cheek. You do not need to use a lot of force, basically just gently move the brush around your skin area, let the rotating and vibration do its job.
After cleansing for a while, you will feel there is a short 20 seconds pause. This is when its time to change to other skin area. For eg: left cheek. After cleansing for awhile, again there will be a 20 seconds pause then again you can move to other area example: forehead.
For me, I also remember to cleanse my chin area by gently moving over when cleansing my cheek.
After cleansing, my skin feel more smoother and soft. Pores are slightly minimize. I hardly have this kind of feel or result when I was using my hands back then. ( Yay..! so happy..^^)
One more good thing is that this is an eco friendly and fuss free device. =) Meaning? Meaning you don't have to clumsily fumble around to change its batteries because this is a charging cord device! ( Can save $$$ on batteries too.. ) =P
Besides being a stand for the device and elegantly complementing the whole outlook of the cleansing brush, this stand itself is the charger! Secret lies in this little socket hole at the bottom back. Simply just insert the cord head in, plug into socket, on the switch and there you go! So easy! =D
When it is charging, there will be this little light in front that will keep blinking meaning that charging is in progress. When its fully charged the light will goes off. A 6 hour charge each time can withstand 30 minutes of cordless usage, which can last me for around one to two weeks. Twice per day.
If really not quite sure on the usage, can refer to the user guide included inside. But trust me its real easy to use! =D
Included inside is a sliver pouch for you to put the cleansing device in when you go travelling. Very good idea and so thoughtful of them! ^_^
The entire set includes: One cleansing device. Two brush heads (Normal skin & sensitive skin) One charger stand, One charging wire cord and one silver pouch. I have been using this for a month now and I must say this beats the rest of the cleansing device out there. My skin now feels more smoother, softer and more radiant. Pores are also minimize. One which I never experience when using my hands last time. Besides choosing the right and suitable cleanser, sometimes the method of cleansing is also important too. Remember the first step to clean healthy soft skin always starts with cleansing!
Hope you all enjoyed today little sharing!
~Beauty Editor/Makeup Artist ~
Philips VisaPure Facial Cleansing Brush is available at major electronic stores.
Do check out Philips official website for more information and details on the product. ^^
Retail Price: $269
PS: I got mine at only $220+ (Wahahahaha....*Evil laugh...* XD) Slightly cheaper than the normal retail price. (Whispering... I got it at Harvey Norman Millenia Walk...Ssshhh.....) XD