Summer is really the time to get colourful!!
Lately I have been having so much fun with my fingers... XP (I mean nails..don't get the wrong idea.)
As some of you probably know by now.. that I'm more of a DIY hands on person. So therefore, I don't really or hardly in fact visit nails salon. So today will be another DIY sharing session. =P
And what's better to welcome Summer but having sweet and colourful nails? ;) Ever since Etude House launched their Sweet Recipe collection, I was so excited by it! Especially the nail polishes. Not only are they new colours but also new bottle packaging. In the Shape of a ice cream cone!
(Makes you really feel like licking it especially when it's hot weather! XD)
The colours are all sweet macaroons colours. Launched in many different colours, there were 4 special colours with glitter and the rest are plain colours.

However, I only managed to get 3 of the glitter colours. The other nude glitter was not available in
Singapore. =(

Photo Source: Google Search
So let's get started. =)
Style 1: Glamorous Summer
Things To Prepared:

Etude House Sweet Recipe Ice Cream Nail Polishes.

Clear Base & Top Coat. For top coat, I've chosen Gel topcoat by Dior to gives a gelish effect and

Nail ornaments décor. For this style I've chosen the crystal nail stickers.
Step 1:

Paint on clear base coat.
Step 2:

Paint on different colours for all fingers.
Step 3:
Just simply remove the nail stickers from the plastic foil and pasted them on wherever and how you
Want it to be! It's just that easy! =D

Voila! Done! ^^

Great for when attending parties and wedding. Real quick and easy too! ;)
Style 2: Wild & Chic
Same things to prepared as above.
Step 1:

Paint on clear base coat.
Step 2:

Paint on a selected base colour of your choice. Apply 2 coats, letting it dry in between the 2 layers.
Place random dots of another nail polish colour on top.
Step 3:

Using black colour, ( You may also chose other colours of your own choice, depending on preference
And the overall effect you want it to be.) With a nail art brush/dotting tool/ A toothpick, paint the
Black colour around the dots.

And there you go! A leopard print effect is created! =D Don't forget to apply the topcoat once it's dry.

You can do the same thing with the other fingers using different colours combination or paint the rest
Of your fingers in random different colours (Depends on how you want the effect to be.)

Polka dots for my pinkie. Can simply just use a dotting tool or toothpick and dot randomly onto your
Nail. =)