Hi everyone! It's me again! =D TGIF!! Another end of one week. Hope you all had a fantastic week so far and is looking forward to the weekend!! Woohoo!! XD
Well........today's article is kind of.... weird....hmm.... how should I put it.....interesting but quite self reflecting for me... No.. today's is not about the latest beauty trend... or another beauty product review.. today's is all about me.. ^^ (Self obsession acting up.... XD)
I believe from the title post above most of you can roughly guess what is today article about and... ahem... my age........ ( Speaking softer and softer.... >///////<) anyway that's not the main point today! XDD (Actually it is lah.. today's is my "Birdday"...) (@3@) Today is a very random and casual article for most of you out there to know a teeny weeny little bit more about me.. XD
The reason why I'm writing this article is also because I believe that it represent another new phrase of life for me. Yes... the number is going up slowly... white hair and "train tracks" are probably showing up on the face but hey.. it's a life process that we all got to go through right? unavoidable.. so why not just....embrace it? instead of thinking.. "Oh not.. another year older... what am I going to do?" which is what I used to think but after awhile..nah... just let it be.. and life doesn't just stops here.. instead it is just beginning. =)
For most or some of you out there who probably still doesn't know, I don't have a university degree cert. My highest qualification is diploma and honestly if you were to ask me I don't feel ashamed. Sometimes I feel that it's not a matter of how high your qualifications are but more of who you really are as a person and your personality that counts. Some of you could say that I'm bullshxxting simply because I cannot afford to go to university but this is just my personal opinion. =) Although its a pretty sad thing that most of the employers out there nowadays will prefer the first one instead of the latter. (well, I could be wrong..) I could have go on to university right after my diploma but I didn't is because of 2 simple reasons: Financial issue and I don't really see the need to as my major of study back in NAFA was pretty specialised: Interior Design. (Tell me about it... =___=) XD
My life before NAFA was pretty much boring by the way.. I was a pretty quiet girl back then during school days, failed terribly in math but excel in arts and Chinese.. (Yes, I had never failed my Chinese subject before since day 1 from primary one.) which is probably why some of you are wondering why is my Chinese so good. XD though now forget a few words here and there. I was trained from young by my tough mum.. =P coaching me personally in Chinese subject. (but I know she meant well for me.) You guys are probably wondering why I chose interior design as an education path. It all begins when I was in secondary 4 and 5 and I would always bought copies of interior design magazines to browse and read (weird huh..? gals this age aren't suppose to be reading beauty magazines?? o.O) And yet somehow I would always be fascinated by those lovely interior houses and architectures and imagined myself living in one of those house.. XD lame right.? haha.. yet my strong passion for interior design was began from there. and I told myself that I must go to art school after my 'O' level and study interior designing.
Life in NAFA was fun and relaxing during the first year but stressful in the 2nd and 3rd year. >////< staying up late and rushing through projects but yet somehow I managed to survived it. XD
I wasn't born to be a makeup artist. No one is born to be someone or knowledgeable in something.We learn as we go along through life. Before I stepped into beauty line, I was a interior designer for a couple of years maybe..?? after I realised that the passion had outlasted and faded.. which is a very sad and traumatising thing for me. I guess I'm really a person who does things base purely on passion.. I did change a few jobs later on.. mostly in sales line. ( oh yes.. I wasn't born to be a sales person too by the way.) I ended up selling floor tiles and furniture, mostly as a sales executive position. although before all these I had a few part time jobs as well with NETS and Canon.
So how did I ended up being a makeup artist? To be honest, I didn't realised that I love dolling myself up prettily... I supposed all girls does right..? and no.. I did not play with my mum lipstick when I was a child and hoping to be a makeup artist when I grow up. XD My mum didn't have any cosmetics for me to play with at all. She is a simple person with simple taste I would say. XD
Before I stepped into beauty line, honestly I was jobless and lost in direction for about almost a year after I left the interior design industry and that kind of feeling is terrible.. Yes.. very relax and "shiok" for the first few months but soon after the boredom and panic feeling start to settled in. It all happened when I was out having coffee with a friend one random afternoon, bitching and complaining about my life and what to do with it.. and he just answer me back with one sentence.
"Since you love dolling yourself up, y don't you go take a beauty course or something??" That's when it all sank in... and soon after I found myself enrolling for makeup course with Makeup Forever Academy and Cosmoprof, found job with cosmetics companies and the rest is history. =) Some of my friends found it shocking that I moved from design to makeup as it is a total different region at all but somehow I feel that it is still art to me?? just that in a different form. XD
4, 5 years down the road and here I am today still in the beauty line, freelancing as a makeup artist and though I'm still not experienced enough and never had any big achievements but if you were to ask me did I regretted my choice? Answer is: No. I guess it's probably because it runs in me all this while but I just never realised it. Throughout these years, I'm very grateful and thankful for the models and people I met and friends I made along the way, some giving me encouragement and moral support.

Along the way Richard had also helped me in many ways.. listening to my woes as a friend.. doing shoots together to help me build my portfolio which we are still doing now. I have also met wonderful models and fashion grad students along the way which are all nice and friendly people. ^_^ but honestly I don't quite remember all of their names.. >////< sorry folks!!

Personal & Family:
Throughout these years in my twenties, most of you are probably wondering why aren't I married? honestly I would love to...but... no boyfriend how to get married!?? >////< well.....yyyeeesss.... there are a few relationships along the way but love is a very weird and funny thing sometimes you know.. you can't get along means you cannot get along. Ok... I admit... I can be rather choosy sometimes. XD
Would I ever want to have a boyfriend who love and dote on me? Yes
Would I ever want to get married and settle down? Yes ( but probably not in the near future XD)
Action to be taken: None. ( let nature takes it course. XD)
Throughout these years of job hopping and career switching, the most important people I would have to thank is my family. They are always your best source of strength I believe, though along the way my mum wasn't very fully supportive of my job as a makeup artist but I guess deep down she probably understands pretty well that this is something I enjoy doing. Another family members that I really loved was my grandparents (mum side) I remembered I would always accompanied my mum who will always went back to my grandparents place to visit my grandma during weekend and sometimes we would have family gathering and birthday celebrations. Chinese New Year of course nevertheless was always crowded and number one visiting place on our list on the first day.
However, beautiful flowers doesn't blossom forever. I lost my grandpa to stomach cancer about 5 years ago..maybe 6.. soon after he passed away 2 years later, my grandma health started to went downhill and soon after, I lost her as well. We were all very devastated.. but we all learn to slowly come out from it and move on.. earth doesn't stop spinning but I will always miss and think of them.

Hope you all enjoyed today personal sharing and happy weekend!! =D
Makeup Artist
Some quick personal facts about me: =D
1) Had I ever had long hair before? And why?
No, never.. I always had short hair ever since I was a kid. And my hair parting is always the same.
(Which is why I'm losing hair now.. XD) I guess probably long hair doesn't suits my face shape.
2) Had I ever thought of getting a double eyelids surgery and a nose job?
No. never at all. Though I had small eyes and slight cross-eyes, my eyesight are perfect and never
had to wear any glasses or contact lens and though my nose is big, I can breathe normally. (Main
reason: I cannot withstand the pain.)
3) Dislike food
Fishball. (Why eat a tiny weeny ball when you can have the real thing by having an entire fish to