Have you ever had this experience or encounter whereby you flip open any fashion magazines and splashed across the page is a photo of a model with long toned & skinny legs? And then taking a look at your own and started to feel envious, wishing we had legs like that of a supermodel? XD Well, that was something which I never really felt till recently.. =P which I guess the old saying is really true. 女大十八变. XD Meaning a women would really start to take care of her appearance a she gets older or more mature.
I had never been particular about my short stubby legs throughout my years as a teenager and even when I was out of school and into the working society. Back in my school days, I used to like wearing track shoes or sneakers which has a certain weight and toll on my legs muscles and I guess that's where my short muscular legs came from. XP
However, in recent years I've been trying to find ways to tone and slim down my legs and that includes slathering on slimming cream and lotions (A shortcut way for someone like me who doesn't excerise. ) =P. And yes, I did managed to found one brand which really works.. which I will share in another article. =P
However, today this method or rather product that I'm gonna recommend is something much more easier and simpler to use.
Beautyfocus Slimming Sleeping sock. Achieved more toned and slimmer legs simply by just sleeping! =P
Made of Lycra and 'Cooling Jade' fiber. a material that is a specialized copyright of this Taiwan brand. Meaning you will never feel hot and stuffy wearing it due to the 'Cooling Jade' fiber. Very suitable for our hot and humid climate! Lycra makes it stretchable and easy to wear. ^^
Made of 70% 'Cooling Jade' and 30% Lycra, means wearing it will be so much cooler. With 180-240D it helps to sculpt and tone your legs effortlessly.

The entire length is just nice, long enough to cover to half of the thigh area.
It comes with stitching around the knees area and at the heel to provide more comfort and to ensure that the socks will be at the right place when wearing it and will not slip off.
Comes with washing instructions teaching you how to mantain it. Very thoughtful! ^_^

This was before wearing. My thigh measurement is about 19cm...really huge...@_@
My calf area is about 14cm...not small either! ;P

After about one month of wearing it to sleep, my thigh area has shrunk to 18.5cm and my calf area has shrunk to 13cm! Really Unbelievable!!
Overall, I really do like this product a lot.. however, I think it's more pretty useful on toning and sculpting your legs muscle, reducing water retention and sooth tired aching legs after a long walking or standing day. Thus very useful for people in the retail line or those who require to stand long hours during work. For those who are on a diet or who are trying to slim or tone their legs, I would recommend this slimming socks to go along with your diet routine. However, moderate exercise is still strongly recommended. =)
Hope you all would enjoy today little sharing. ^^
Your Living Beauty Editor